Love Consecrates

Now when Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with Him, he heard the voice speaking to him from above the mercy seat that was on the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubim, so He spoke to him. - Numbers 7:89 NASB

After consecrating himself Moses encountered God. 

Once Moses went through extensive instruction from God about administrating the sacrificial system, assigning people for certain functions and roles, then dedicating it to the Lord Moses heard God speak to him from the place where His glory was dwelling. One major thing can be recognized here--consecration.

The call on the nation of Israel and Moses was one of holiness, which would require them to consecrate themselves, or set themselves apart to differentiate themselves as Gods people--this would mean lifestyle changes for them. 

Love always costs us something, and we see the same is true here as Israel consecrates themselves it cost them their life (Num 7:1-88). This is the call of Jesus over our life as well, that we would separate ourselves into Him, not in the legalistic way of thinking that everyone but you is evil so you need to get away from them; rather, it's for a purpose motivated by love. For instance, I love my wife and have made a covenant with her saying that only she will have a level of intimacy in my life that others will not have access to, which affects my lifestyle in the way that I spend time, money, and personal energies. This is the same with us and God. We've made a covenant with Him, through salvation, in love, to give Him access to our lives that no else has access to, and because of that we decide to change our life. 

God, in His love, will often call us into deeper places of consecration as to set ourselves apart for Him, because He is our Husband (kinsman redeemer, head of the church) and wants to know us; He's calling us into deeper levels of intimacy. So, the question for us is, how is God calling us deeper into intimacy with Him? Are we ready to answer that call and experience greater levels of His love? 

Going into the journey we have to remember that consecration does not get God to come to you; rather, it allows room for the One that is already there—it’s about us making room and space for God, not about God coming to us. He is faithful and has always been with us, chasing us, pursuing us. 

Intimacy with God always needs room in our life to be experienced. The question is, are we making room for God in our life or is our heart too crowded for Him? Consecration will cost us something, because we love, but it ultimately makes room in our hearts for the eternal glory of God to dwell--we are His temple; let's make room in us for God to dwell. 


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