God is Boring Without Relationship & There is no Strength Without Running

Isn't it true? That God is just boring when we are just following a list of principles without relationship, or that we cannot be stronger if we are not running the race set before us? These seem like two separate ideas, but I think they are one in the same...

In my experience when I am not in deep, open, raw relationship with God then I do not have the fuel I need to run the race before me. Often times when I am not in the desired relationship with God everything around me is lacking. In other words, it is very noticeable, at least to my soul, when I am not in relationship with God, but yet I still try to run as if I am.

1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win.

Hebrews 12:1b-2a and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.

John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

These are only fractions of scripture, but they portray, as well as scripture as a whole, that we cannot work or run without a relationship with God. Why is this even important? Why do we even need a relationship with God to run with Him?

We were meant to work from relationship in God, not for the relationship. Often times when we try to run without God it eventually morphs into a type of striving with us trying to crucify ourselves for God's love instead of us relying on Jesus for our relationship. What happens after that is a type of Martha attitude that despises anyone who actually has a genuine deep relationship with God. Our response to relationship eventually becomes, "...but there is work to be done! Why are you sitting around? Stop being lazy."

Secondly, two people in relationship together know each other on a deeper level, which in turn will allow them to know and communicate with one another without even having to speak words. Like my wife and I can just look at each other and we just know, or we even complete each others sentences at times. The intimacy I have with my wife and God allow me to work more effectively. Work becomes another opportunity for deeper relationship. In essence when I am in love work doesn't feel like a sacrifice, and it even becomes something that takes me deeper into the Lords heart. It comes to a point where when I am most joyful in God that I can run more effectively with Him. When I try to run on my own strength I cant even make it around the block. Really, it comes down to whose glory are we living out of? Will we live out of our own glory, or out of the glory of God? Maybe the reason we get so tired at times is because we are trying to live out of our own glory?

Mary was despised for her relationship...

Luke 10
38 Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word. 40 But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.” 41 But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; 42 but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”

Did Martha choose the bad part? The reality is that there is always work to be done, especially with how things are run now. We see here that Jesus values relationship with us, the hard question is, do we? Do we value sitting with Jesus and hearing what He has to say to us? Is it our value to take time out of our day to give it wholly to Jesus with no distractions? The same still remains, God is boring without a relationship and there is no strength without running. If we make the time to be with God, He will meet us. Then once we run the race with Him it will not be exhausting; rather, it will be strength to us. Amen.


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