An Early Marriage Lesson

Ephesians 5

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, 26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.

Ephesians 5 is famous for leading husbands in the way we should love our wives. I am so grateful for this passage, mostly because if I didn't have it I would be really confused, and I wouldn't be able to love my wife as well as I should without it. It's just good instruction from the Lord on marriage; even greater, it shows how Christ loves us; therefore, marriage is the best picture of the gospel we could have. That when I love my wife as Christ does the church, I see how Christ loves me, his bride-the church, which produces more worship in me towards Christ. First I'm thankful that the Son of God was obedient to the point of death on a cross- who was resurrected- and also thankful for Father God who sent His only son to die for me. The love enclosed in the Man of God I will never fully know.

As I think about how Christ loves the church I think about His brokenness and His sacrifice for me. Christ went to a cross to show His love and faithfulness for me. I will never fully understand the depths of Gods love. Oh, what a great love the Father has lavished on us!

Christ was broken, He absorbed all my sin, and in all that He serves me; furthermore, Christ is sitting at the right hand of the Father praying for me! In every way that Christ loves the church, I want to focus on how he suffered in order to love His bride. Draw your remembrance to the cross, how Christ was betrayed with a kiss by his disciple Judas, taken up to Pontius Pilate and rejected by the people He once ministered to, even with signs and wonders, He was beaten all night and mocked to be the Christ, later to carry His own cross up on to Golgotha (skull hill), hang for hours and die. Oh, the suffering! We cannot write about it good enough to explain the suffering of Christ- I pray the Holy Spirit will give you revelation of Christs suffering for you!

We have an image of a Father and an obedient Son (Jesus), who is not afraid to suffer to show His love for his bride. Jesus Christ, the Son, said His appetite was to do the will of God (John 4:34). An aspect of Christ revealing Himself to the church was to suffer for her, and that suffering was appointed to Christ by the Father. The Father knew exactly what He was doing, and what type of death Jesus would die when He sent Him hear to earth. Here is my point, husbands, in like manner Father God is not afraid to allow you to suffer in order that your wife may see how you love her; even better, to see how Christ is loving your wife through your suffering! Oh, what an honor it is to share in the sufferings of Christ that He may be glorified in marriage. Christ's suffering led to our holiness, so our suffering will lead to our wives holiness. We should not shrink back when we suffer for Christ; rather, we should glory in our suffering because it is producing glory for God and greater revelation of love to our wives!


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