How Being Loved Makes You Who You Are
I am a child of God; therefore, I am loved. In our YouTube video this week we discuss the practical implications of being a child of God, and we mainly spoke about being loved as a child of God. Simply, that being a child of God means that we are loved by a good and gracious Heavenly Father. What exactly does this mean? Let us Consider This... First, take two minutes to sit in silence and meditate on how you have experienced love in your life. We all have different experiences of love: some exhilarating, some excruciating, and some exhausting experiences--oddly enough, each of these might have been a good or bad experience. Point is, did that love you experience require anything in return? Was it an unconditional love? Were you being loved, or giving love without any condition or expectation? Our experience in ministry has shown that 90% of love that people experience is conditional and 10% is unconditional. If this assumption is true, then all of us have a war...