I Used to Have a Relationship with God
We give careful attention to spiritual formation because we have learned, from long experience, how easy it is to get interested in ideas of God and projects for God while at the same time losing interest in God alive, deadening our lives with the ideas and projects. It is the devil's work to get us worked up in thinking and acting for God and then subtly detach us from a relational obedience and adoration, substituting our selves, our god-pretentious egos, in the place originally occupied by God. -Eugene H. Peterson Within Christendom there can be a tension between faith works and an intimate relationship with God. Some camps even seem to put these ideas at odds with each other; however, there should be both in our lives. Often times, many of us find ourselves on either side: works or relationship. Reality is, it should not be an either/or but a both/and situation for us. We should be in relationship and doing faith works. Relational Intimacy with God God desires nothing m...