
Showing posts from June, 2017

Never Quit: For Those Who Win

“so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders,” 1 Thessalonians 4:12 NIV How we live our life matters; life does not simply give casual moments to be squandered and thrown away or wasted in the passing of time. On the contrary, it is the moments of life that we can never gain again, even as you are reading this there is a moment passing by that you will never get back. For us, the question is, how are we living our life? Are we winning with our life or are we loosing our life? How we answer these questions is of utmost importance. The critical component to winning and loosing in life is determined by posture. What is our posture toward the moments of life: one that positions us to live from a place of power, or one that we feel that life is out of control and we're a helpless passenger along for the ride? I heard a phrase years ago by Mike Bickel that marked me life forever, "If you do not quit you win." Think about it: Rudy, the Norte Dame football...