
Showing posts from February, 2017

Black & White Series: Love & Hate

Black and white Series Series Introduction Not all things in life are as simple as black and white, right or wrong, do or don't do; however, some things in life are, and I want to take some time to talk about some of those things. Let's journey together... To read other posts in this series: Do vs. Be click here ,  Sowing and Reaping click here . Love and Hate Love and hate is something we interact with everyday--it shapes how we see the world, ourself, other people, and God. I will even go as far to say that it even dictates how we make decisions. For instance, we hang out with these people because we feel that they love us, or we avoid these people because we know they do not like us, or even hate us. See the difference?  I want to focus on what happens when we play each of these things out in our personal lives. Furthermore, I am presupposing that each of our lives is lived out with other people in some type of community and relationship with othe...

Black & White Series: Sowing & Reaping

Black and White Series  Series Introduction  Not all things in life are as simple as black and white, right or wrong, do or don't do; however, some things in life are, and I want to take some time to talk about some of those things. Let's journey together... To read the first in the series about Do vs. Be  click here . Sowing and Reaping Spiritually " Do not be deceived,  God is not mocked; for  whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.   For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap  corruption, but  the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.   Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we  do not grow weary.   So then,  while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the  household of  the faith" (Gal 6:7-10). Financially "Now this  I say ,  he who sows spa...

Black & White Series: Pt. 1 Do vs. Be

Black and white Series Series Introduction  Not all things in life are as simple as black and white, right or wrong, do or don't do; however, some things in life are, and I want to take some time to talk about some of those things. Let's journey together... Do vs. Be All of us in life are trying to find a place to belong, a place of acceptance, significance, assurance--this is normal to mankind.  Let me begin with a question: are you searching for a place in life to belong, significance, and assurance? I would propose to you here that we are. The question is, how are we going to fill those needs within our life? In other words, how are we going to find ourselves? This is the question of the hour, and I believe for our generation. As I look around I see people trying to fit in, find themselves, and make themselves important to be accepted.  We will go to great lengths to fill these needs: we join a political party and adopt their views, or we will pr...